If something appears to be off, you can easily find help! |
When you find yourself in need of help, here are my top five recommendations for finding the answers you need:
1. Help and Training -- Salesforce offers standard and Premier Support and training for most users. Help, without training, is offered for users with developer accounts. Salesforce Help and Training should be your front-line for finding out how to do things in Salesforce. All of the product documentation is searchable here, including some Best Practice documents.
Premier Support is what you want your support to be like, really. Open 24 hours a day, they will track down even the craziest problems and solve them for you. In addition to fantastic support, the online training available with Premier Support includes several of the classes offered in-person by Salesforce University. If you are working on Salesforce certification, you should definitely take a look at these training options! And developers should note that Premier Support even offers help with code.
2. The Community -- Let your peers give you a hand. Online communities, success.salesforce.com and, for nonprofits using the nonprofit starter pack or other nonprofit specific applications, the Power of Us Hub, offer multiple channels for helpful discussions.
- Answers -- Search for questions that others may have posted on topics of interest to you or post your own questions. Lots of folks are looking for a Salesforce challenge and would love to answer your questions. Note that the questions are organized by categories listed on the left side of the page. For nonprofit organizations, you have an additional avenue for answers through the Power of Us Hub Q&A, a resource for applications and concerns specific to nonprofits.
- Chatter Groups -- Sometimes, what you really want is to be kept abreast of what's happening and hear ideas from other Salesforce users and administrators. Chatter Groups provide just that sort of information. With groups like the Success -- Getting Started and Success -- Release Readiness, among others, you can keep up with Salesforce features.
- User Groups -- Among the most helpful Chatter Groups, you will find the Salesforce User Groups online as well. If you find a group in your geographic area, consider signing up for your local group and trying to attend meetings in person to get to know your peers. Meetings give you an opportunity to ask other administrators, users and developers how easy or difficult a task may be before you try to hire a consultant. User Groups can also keep you informed about Salesforce features and best practices and third-party application availability as well.
- Developer Groups -- Like User Groups for developers, these provide opportunities for discussing technical issues and topics.
3. Developer Community -- the developer boards offer a great place for help with all your Apex and Visualforce needs. If you are trying to go beyond formulas and workflow, you may have questions that have been previously discussed on the developer boards. You can find code samples to get you started with your projects as well.
4. Office Hours -- both the Salesforce MVP community and the Salesforce Foundation host office hours as a regular webinar that folks can join to ask questions and get answers. Both provide a forum for conversations about problems and challenges you may be encountering. The MVPs offer general help with Salesforce and the foundation offers help with issues concerning the Nonprofit Starter Pack and any related topics.
5. Out in the Wild -- The community is also active outside of the Salesforce environment in places like Twitter (try #askforce when you want to make sure your question gets seen) and StackExchange, which tends to focus on technical challenges and developer concerns. FindSFinfo is another great resource when you are looking for information to solve your problems, it performs a search of official documentation, discussion boards, blogs, code repositories, AppExchange, and videos for any text you enter.
By cultivating a strong community, Salesforce ensures that you can always find the help you need!
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